Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And Now I Know Everything

As a nanny, I am privy to certain pieces of personal information about the families I work for.  I know the schedule of their days.  I know how organized (or not) their houses are.  I know what they have in their closets.  I know what they feed their families.  I know who calls, and I often receive personal messages.  I know what is written on their calendars.

I have worked for a couple "influential" Pittsburgh couples.  I have always been careful not to divulge any of their personal information to anyone.  Sometimes, though, I get information that just HAS to be shared with someone.  Often, the most personal, and juicy, information I get about the family comes right out of the kids' mouths.

Today, the youngest of the two girls I'm a nanny for, and I were sitting having lunch.  Suddenly she looked at me quite seriously, and said,
"Yes?", I asked.
"My mom's butt jiggles when she walks... You know, when she's naked?"
(Blink. Blink.)  "Well, gee, I'm so glad to know that!  I'm sure your mom would be thrilled that you shared that piece of information with me".  I sat there wondering what her mom would say if I told her she shared that lovely little fact with me.  Then, I had another thought.  I wonder what Dylan is telling Mi-Mi and Bubba (my parents) while I'm at work?  I wonder what juicy bits of info they are getting?

(Hey Mom and Dad!  If you're wondering if my butt jiggles when I walk, you know, when I'm naked, just ask Dylan and I'm sure he'll tell you.  Or, you could ask Jim!  As a matter of fact... I dare you).


The Girls' Mommy said...

We play a chase game where the girls run around crazy and we try to "smack their hieneys". Kind of like tag, but with a bull's eye on the butt. I've always wondered if they tell their teacher's that we "smack their hieney's" at home.

JCK said...

Oh, my GOD, I'm in serious butt trouble...

Too, too funny. When it is about someone ELSE. ;)

Hopefully you are safe.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Well, you already know that my son talks about my poop...so there ya' go. I'm sure Dylan has found things to discuss with people outside the family about you and Jim. :-)

On the Bright Side said...

That is hillarious! :)

feather said...

that's so funny. i've heard quite a few personaly stories like this, myself! i'm not sure how to make them blog-appropriate!

Burgh Baby said...

Kids rule.

Mary said...

I can only imagine the things Thomas must tell the daycare! Especially since we are an especially gassy family! Yup, way too much fart talk in my house! Good Lord, I can only imagine! ha ha ha

Elissa said...

ah, a good laugh at someone else's expense. thanks for indulging me ;-)

Anonymous said...

DUDE! Just like The Girls' Mommy, we have a fanny-smacking game, and I am TERRIFIED that my kids are going to go to school and share that! Out of the mouths of babes!

And Maren poked me in my stomach the other day and asked if I still had a baby in it (I don't) - please don't let her start telling people that!