Friday, October 23, 2009

Never What You Expect

Yesterday the temperature reached 70! (Insert choir of angels singing here). Ever since I saw this idea, I've been waiting for a nice day, so Dylan and I could go to a certain park with a stream. He loves to throw rocks in the stream, and it is a beautiful park. When he woke up from his nap, I told him to get a bucket - that we were going to the park to collect rocks. Man, you would have thought I said, "From now on we are going to eat only cookies, all the time"! He was excited. I was excited. I had a picture of the perfect fall day in my head.

I would say that one of the biggest lessons I've learned from having a child is this - you have to be flexible. Things rarely go as planned. As a matter of fact, do they ever? We got to the park and it was closed. Closed!?! Since when are parks closed? That is just ridiculous. They had fenced off the entrance and there was a sign saying "No admittance. Park closed for season". I was going to park nearby and climb over the fence (What?), but there was no where to park.

After explaining things to a very understanding Dylan, I turned the car around and headed to another park. I also realized that I hadn't brought my good camera (Canon), just the small one that I hate, that always takes horrible pictures. So much for my perfect fall day.

But, then I had an idea. "Dylan, why don't we stop and get subs and have a picnic at the park?" He shouted "YEA!! I LOVE PICNICS!!", and that was it. Perfect fall day back in business. We had a picnic in the sun, chased each other through the leaves, had races on the slides, and drew letters in the dirt. And, somehow, my crappy small camera took these pictures...


Anonymous said...

Those are AWESOME pictures! And I love rocks idea . . . Cooper is a rock nut, and we are working hard on learning letters - this is the perfect combination!

The Girls' Mommy said...

I love the rock idea, too fun. Now what the hell is modge podge? oh the things I need to learn...

feather said...

oh, how i enjoyed this post. 50 points for coming up with plan b, c, and e and saving the day. and 10 points for the great pics on the not-so-great-camera.

and thanks for linking to me. looks like you might have to go scamming rocks from the Arby's after all...

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Picnics are always so much fun--especially with toddlers.

The rock thing is very, very cool.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Those photos are awesome! Crappy camera or not, they came out great.

Yeah, you have to be flexible when you're a parent, that's for sure. Many a plan for Jonathan and I have been thrown off. But somehow it usually worked out better actually. Like your day. :-)

JCK said...

Sounds like the kind of day that makes being a mommy worth every moment!

Gina said...

A park closed? WTH? We love to go to the park all year long.