Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bah Humbuggin'

Let me start out by saying, I DO like Christmas. Christmas is good. But today I am just so NOT IN THE MOOD! I looked at the calendar this morning, and it suddenly dawned on me that Christmas is in about 2 weeks. Two weeks?!? How the hell did that happen? I envisioned bringing Dylan downstairs, all "Dylan! Look at the tree! And the lights! And the snowman! And the wreath! And the lights!" His eyes would get wide, his smile would get wider, and he would toddle around from one wonderous decoration to the next. Instead, it's "Look, Dylan. It's all the same old crap you've seen every day for the past 12 months! Yippee." We haven't taken a single decoration out of their carefully organized and labeled boxes.

I bought two gifts so far. Two!! Maybe that has something to do with the fact that I made a well intentioned and admirable pledge that is "ruining Christmas for everyone else" (Jim's words). At first he was all "Jen, I admire you for taking a stand, and sticking to your beliefs". Then, after about the fifth thing he wanted to buy said Made in China, his tune took a drastic turn.

We decided since Dylan would surely redecorate anything within reach by promptly putting the items in his mouth for a taste test, that we would start a new tradition. We would buy a small tree to put on a tabletop that would be Dylan's tree. Each year when he is old enough we would let him pick out an ornament for his tree and decorate his tree. Sounded good, until we searched every darn store in the vicinity for a tree and discovered the Chinese have cornered the xmas tree market. Grrrrr.

Moving right along to the Christmas card merriment. Every year, or almost every year, since being married, Jim and I have designed our own cards to send out. We both went to school for art, although Jim is a MUCH better artist than I am, we both are creative, I love photography, he's great with design, I write poetry. It should be simple. It's not. NOT, NOT, NOT! If I am designing the card, Jim has to have his input. If he is designing the card, I have to have my input.

So today was the day to complete the card. I took the photo of Dylan last weekend, with Jim's help keeping the subject in the shot - not an easy task with a newly walking toddler! I finished the poem to go with it last week. All we had to do was choose a layout on the Target website and order them. But, the 300 or so (I exaggerate a tad, but there's a lot) designs were snubbed, poo-poohed, and deemed unacceptable by my fussy, must have the best card ever, husband. He spent the better part of the day coming up with his own design, thank you very much, while I bit my tongue, and counted to..oh hell, I lost track. But, the card is done, and now we just have to pick them up, print out the poem, cut them out, find envelopes, label them, buy more stamps, and send them. Then, to decorate, string the lights, buy the gifts... I'm going to need alcohol - lots of alcohol.

I know you are dying to see the card now, but you must wait, like everyone else! (Evil laughter)


Pam said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and understanding about the ppp thing.

If it makes you feel any better, we did not have a tree for Ashlyn's first Christmas (I know this is Dylan's second, but he was only a month old last year so.....). It was just too much. Too overwhelming. Too tiring.

I'm sure that your card will look fabulous when it is all done....though you may not feel that way after all that work. Hey, alcohol will help you feel better about that whole darn thing! ;)

Burgh Baby said...

You officially cannot give me any grief about my decorating. Anybody that obsesses that much about the cards belongs in the loony bin with me. ;-)

I prefer to buy a few boxes on clearance every January, toss a stamp on them around December 26th, and just throw them out the door. If people are real lucky, maybe I'll put a photo inside. Maybe.

dawn klinge said...

I've been trying to avoid the made in China thing also- but it does seem to be everything! I tried a live tree this year but it has been moved outside already- dried out. Our ornaments are hanging from a swag hung over the window.

Kellan said...

I can't wait to see the card. My girls are both in advanced art in HS and are possibly even going to choose art to go on in study in college (some art field ?) - I'm now even more curious about you. I also am a little stressed over all the Christmas stuff - you are not alone. Take care and don't worry, it all seems to get done. Have a good Sunday. Kellan

Anonymous said...

You are not alone! I love the goodwill and the be kind to your fellow man that comes with the holidays, but I hate the shopping, decorating, and general fuss that also comes with it.

I don't remember the last time we put up a tree - if I have free time after the kids go to bed, it is not going to be spent hanging jingle bells and plastic figurines on something that is going to die within the week because I can't remember to water it. To compensate, we have wrapped lights around the banister and drapped them over a large house plant. The kids are happy and I am happy.

And I am fairly certain that the entire world looked at their calendars last week and collectively realized that it is nearly Christmas - if you were listening very carefully, you may have heard the collective, "Aw, crap!"

Jen said...

Pam, it does make me feel better, thanks! Hopefully we'll get time to get our tree up sometime this week. Jim thinks we can just use the top 1/2 of our big tree. We'll see how that works.

BBM, Did I give you grief? Yea, probably. How could you even think of not putting a picture in your card?! This is Alexis we're talking about, here!

Dawn, I applaud you for even trying. Truly. People think I'm a zealous nut in every store I go in, and say "Do you have ANYTHING that isn't made in China?"
P.S. Happy Birthday to Trent & your dad. (And I thought Dylan's grandma was a clown! : ) )

Kellan, Have they thought about being doctors or lawyers?! (kidding) In all honesty, I'm wasn't good enough to compete - it is a competitive field. My husband, on the other hand, doesn't realize how talented he is!

Driving, Is that what that was? I'm glad I'm not alone in my grouchiness. I'm better today, though. I ordered a few more gifts online last night.

Aunt Becky said...

Christmas sneaks up on me each and every year. I always vow to be more on top of things during the following year, and each year I forget my promise.

So, I feel your pain, sister, I do.

Kellan said...

Hey, I've been so busy this weekend I haven't been able to visit all my favorite blogs until now - sorry. I appreciate your comment on my post today - it was very nice and I chose the feather picture because I imagined it to mean that it was an angel feather floating down from heaven and to me - angels mean Joy - it just seemed like the perfect picture. I liked you story - very cool story. Hope you have a good week. See you, Kellan

Janet said...

We tried and failed to get the card picture yesterday. The year William was born I got the cards sent out in January - along with his birth announcement (he was born October 3). If that tells you anything. We've done more this year than ever, but still not as much as I did before kids.

His Girl said...

Finally made my cards today, too. Hopefully they won't be added to the last two years worth that I never sent out.

Thanks for making me feel just a tad less alone in the struggle to 'get in the mood!'

Elsie Button said...

what a lovely idea for Dylan's tree! When Betty was born I bought her an angel which goes on top of our christmas tree every year and we will always remember why and when it was bought.

show us the card, show us the card! we always design and make our cards too - such fun!

Jen said...

Becky, Janet, and HisGirl,
Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who isn't on top of things. It seems to be "in" to be behind and stressed this year!

I'd love to see your cards! I'll be posting mine eventually, so stop back.

Shellie said...

I hung garlands the twin's one year old Christmas. NO tree. I suppose the garlands are made in China, but what about real (American) pine? I know the tree prices are outrageous, but what about a little potted pine baby tree that you could plant afterwards? Maybe a nursery would have something like that. I WANNA SEE THE CARD!!!!