People say that there are two subjects that you should always avoid
talking about - religion and politics. But, if you've been reading my
blog for any length of time, you probably know I don't much care what
"people" say. Maybe I'll discuss politics next time.
I was raised in a christian home. My family prayed before meals and at
bedtime, we went to church every Sunday morning, I went to christian
camps, and I belonged to the youth group at our church. I even made the
decision to go to a christian college, believing that I would be
surrounded by more supportive, kind, teachers and students than if I
went to a secular college. Unfortunately, that belief proved to be
false, and I transferred to a secular college after my sophmore year.
Did that shake my beliefs a bit? Probably. At the time, I was dating "a
good, christian boy". After dating for 3 1/2 years, and one month from
our meticulously planned wedding, he lied to me, and broke my heart,
when I discovered he had gone away for the weekend with a female
"friend". Needless to say, the wedding was off. Did that shake my
beliefs a bit? Definately. I prayed and prayed for God to send me a man
that would cherish me, that I could trust. Then, I met Doug. When he
was killed on his motorcycle four days before our wedding, did that
shake my beliefs about God a bit? Oh, hell yes. I never really stopped
believing in God. I just didn't want to talk to him for a very long
time. I have since resumed our relationship, but my beliefs are a bit
jumbled, fuzzy, and uncertain.
My parents feel that Jim and I should take Dylan to church. Apparently
he already worships - at the Church of Nursery Rhymes.
Someone asked a friend of mine in college where she went to church. "At
The Church of the Holy Comforter", she replied. "Where is that
located?", asked clueless. "Uh, in my dorm room", my friend giggled. I
currently attend The Church of the Holy Comforter, or The Church of the
Holy Bed Posts. I can see my mom and dad now, shaking their heads, and
wondering, "Where did we go wrong?" (I will be expecting a phone call
after this post). "What will you teach Dylan to believe?", my dad asked
me once. So, I thought that I would write down some of my beliefs for
-I believe in treating others as you would want to be treated.
-I believe that the good that you put out into the world, will come
back to you in some way.
-I believe it is better to surround yourself with positive people, than
with negative ones.
-I believe in giving to others in whatever way you can.
-I believe that one person can make a difference.
-I believe that all children deserve to feel safe, respected,
important, and loved.
-I believe in the strength of the human spirit.
-I believe that people don't usually change, unless they want to, so
you must accept them as they are, if you can.
-I believe in doing everything you can to solve conflicts with words
first, but if that doesn't work, that you shouldn't back away from a
-I believe it is important to keep an open mind, and to realize that
you don't always have to be right.
-I believe the Earth is beautiful, and that it should be taken care of,
and treated with respect.
-I believe you should tell the people that you care about, "I love you,
and I appreciate you", often, and not just with words, but with
-I believe that more than what you say, children learn by watching what
you do.
-I believe that life is a gift, and that each day should be
These are just some of the basics, but if I am able to teach Dylan
these, I think he will be okay. More than okay - I think he will
be...heavenly. Gotta go. I think I hear my phone ringing.