Monday, April 20, 2009

The Mall

Yesterday, we took Dylan to the mall. We were letting Dylan play in the Mr. Rogers Play Area, along with a mass of other children and their stressed out parents. One stressed dad, whose son walked over to him in bare feet, right next to where we were, shouted sarcastically to his son, "Why did you take your socks off?! Why are you walking around in bare feet?! ARE WE AT THE BEACH?!"

Dylan looked at him, and shouted, "NO, WE'RE AT THE MALL!!!" That shut him up. : )


me said...


Burgh Baby said...

I need to teach Alexis that line. It's a good one!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

He's a cheeky one that Dylan!

JCK said...

Nothing like a stressed out parent to say something stupid.