Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not A Good Morning

This morning, I awoke at the crack of dawn to find that it was snowing. Snowing, as in snow falling and snow laying on the ground. Snow, as in the radio broadcasters warning of slick spots and accidents. Snow, as in the kind that causes the lovely people of Pittsburgh to slow their cars to a steady crawl - in APRIL!!! Say it with me - "WHY do I live here?"

At work, when I wasn't looking, the 7 year old got eggs out of the refrigerator and put them in her room under a blanket to "keep them warm, so they will hatch"?!

Every morning, while I help the 3 1/2 year old get dressed in her room, the 7 year old is supposed to be brushing her teeth and washing her face in the bathroom. Today, she ran into her sister's room, (naked), to ask me if she smelled good. A very strong smell hit my nose immediately. It didn't smell like perfume. Nope. She sprayed her entire body with Oust so that she "would smell good for Matthew". He's the first grader who said he wants to go out on a date with her.

All this, and it wasn't even 9:00 yet. I should have stayed in bed.


Quarantine Hobby said...

That is a LOT before 9am. (And sorry, but that is all HILARIOUS. Well, except for the snow.) Kids are exhausting, aren't they? Especially considering they can exhaust you by 9am!

Nicole said...

OMG the 7 year old sounds JUST like Porter. Holy hell is that what I have to look forward to? You mean... they don't outgrow this?!?! LOL!

Your morning sounds exhausting... but I'm not unfamiliar with that HAHA! Welcome to my world. Sorry I just had to laugh at it, although I know how frustrating it is! Crazy kids. What the hell goes through their heads?!?

Burgh Baby said...

I bet taking a bath in Oust will have some lovely long-term smellage effects. Awesome.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Oust? Really! Haaa! What a hilarious kid! Crack me up! Sounds like a real adventurous job there!

JCK said...

Oh, that's funny. But, I'm afraid to ask what Oust is?

The Girls' Mommy said...

I can't face morning with my own kids, forget doing it with someone elses...