Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bad, Bad, Good, Good, Very Good

Today's events...

*We had our open house from 1-4. Trying to keep your house with a very active toddler from looking like a house lived in by a very active toddler is about -2 degrees from possible. So, we got the house looking as good as we could, until Dylan took a nap, then scurried around like chickens with our heads cut off from about 11:30-12:40(the time he slept). At about 12:25, I went outside to water the hanging flower pots on our deck, bought a week ago to "stage" the house. To say we do not have green thumbs would be putting it mildly - the flowers are all just sad, sad, sad already. As I reached up to keep the pot steady, it slipped off the hook and fell to the ground, cracking and throwing soil, along with the sad flowers, all over the deck. If you've seen the movie "Money Pitt" with Tom Hanks you will remember the scene where the bathtub falls through the floor and he just laughs maniacally at it - that was me. I just laughed, and laughed at the soil and those sad flowers like I was watching the comedy channel. Luckily, I did snap out of it. At about 12:38 after cleaning that up (with Jim's help), I reached up to pull out another roll of paper towels out of the cabinet, and spilled an entire bowl of plastic spoons and knives all over the kitchen. Straight back to maniacal laughter. Trying to keep the house in pristine condition - BAD.

*When we had the home inspection at the new house, the inspector found a water leak, but couldn't tell where it was coming from. The current owner agreed to have a plumber come out and find the leak, and get it taken care of. Today, we were told that a plumber came out, and "couldn't find the leak". She wanted us to come over and show her where exactly the leak was. So, we went over, but she wasn't there, so we just tried turning on all the water, to see if it would leak again - of course not. While trying to do that, Dylan was climbing up and down the stairs, touching things he shouldn't be touching, and going places he shouldn't be going. Even though Jim and I were both standing within one foot of him, he tumbled down about 5 stairs before I caught him. Man, that was scary. He seems fine, though, except for a red mark above his one eye.
Trying to do just about anything at a house that isn't babyproofed yet - BAD.

*While the open house was going on, we took Dylan to the park. Jim rarely gets to do that, and with me working 3 days a week, I don't get to do it nearly as much as I would like, either. We played, took a walk, and watched the dogs running around the dog park. Time in the sun as a family - GOOD.

*We went to Sam's Club to pick up some stuff, and I heard a man say "Oh, Hello! Hello!" I turned to see the owner of a local Chinese restaurant that we occasionally go to smiling at me. Every time we go in to that place, he greets us as if we are long time friends. I don't think we have been there in at least 3 or 4 months, probably longer, and I look different with my dorky hair cut, but he not only recognized me, but made a point to say hello! How awesome is that?! People who really understand the meaning and value of great service - GOOD.

*Dylan had his first big-boy-bath in the regular bathtub tonight! At 18 months, you may be asking, "So? What the heck took you people so long?" But, did you know that he HATED getting a bath for about the first 9 months of his life? I'm talking ear rupturing screaming the entire time kind of HATE. After we took him swimming in a lake last summer, his hatred of the water magically disappeared, but not his fear of that big scary looking bathtub. When we tried to put him in, he suction cupped himself to us, and could not be pryed off. But, today, success!! I bought a bubble machine, which was a total rip off piece of junk, but if it helped get him in there in anyway, I love it. A wild and crazy Sunday night happily watching your son enjoy a bath - Very Good, Indeed.


The Girls' Mommy said...

"He suction cupped himself to us" HA! I love that line. Bubble machines in the bathroon are awesome, they also make for great bathtime pictures :) (but they are junk, we're on our second...)

Good luck with the house!

Burgh Baby said...

There is no way I could handle keeping a house in tip top shape for open houses and such. We're going to have to move into our storage shed when we get to that stage (in 800 years) because NO WAY can I chase down all those toys all the time.

Karen said...

My BIL/SIL did a showing once with 4 kids in tow once. AND visiting relatives (that would be the 6 of us). We spent a lot of time out on the town that trip. It was crazy living and I don't envy anyone in that position.

Kellan said...

It's hard selling/buying a house. I hope the open house went well and wish you luck selling. Also, good luck with the leak.

Have a good evening - Kellan

JCK said...

Oh, the bath fear thing can be huge! As you obviously know! Congrats on his first real bath in the tub! That is wonderful.

Your dropping plastic utensils and the plant is merely nerves and racing to get the house "perfect." But, so lucky to be able to achieve blog fodder at the same time!

Were you with the inspector when he found the leak? Perhaps you could get him to come out again or specify to the plumber where the issue was. Good luck!

And good luck on your own home selling!

Kellan said...

Hey Jen - have a good day! Kellan

Janet said...

Selling a home is never easy. I had that money pit, too. I SHOULD have had it inspected. I never would have bought it. As JCK said, get the inspector to specify where the leak is. He should have done that to begin with. It may be in a pipe under the house.

Elsie Button said...

Yay! - it is always so so exciting when a new development like that happens! And a relief. I am trying to crack the teeth-brushing ongoing saga...

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I didn't comment on this?

Yes I did.

Oh no. I didn't. And that would be because my computer at home suuuucks!

Anyhow, this post was very funny ... good luck with the house. I hope we get an update soon.

Now be good, good, and bad, bad and good again.

Kellan said...

Hey Jen - hope you are having a good week! I'm glad to hear you have that same camera - I might very well be coming to you for advise/pointers. Take care - Kellan

Sparx said...

A bubble machine? In the bathroom? I WANT one!!! Luckily for us the spud loves his bath.

Good luck with the selling/buying - very stressful but sure all will go well.