Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Want To Stop, But I Can't

If you've been a fan of "Lost" since the beginning, help me out here. Why did you start watching it? I'm not sure why I did. I've never been a big fan of mysteries. I think it must have been the hype. That, and the fact that the people who worked on the previews of the show are genius. I'm sure casting these two didn't hurt...

The first season, I was intrigued. What was going on? Who were these people? How were they all connected, and how were they going to get off that darn island? This season, I'm totally over it. They got off the island(some of them), and CAME BACK. Anticlimactic, yes?

Now, it has warped into some time travel acid trip that gets more confusing with each episode. There are so many plot twists and new characters being introduced, that I need an outline or a cheat sheet to keep it all straight. I am convinced the writers have no clue what direction the story is going in. I think they all smoke weed before writing each episode. I am convinced they are all laughing at us for being hooked. The title "Lost" has more to do with the viewers state of mind, than the characters' dilemma.

Each time I watch the show, I can be heard screaming, "WHAT?!", "HUH?!", "OH, COME ON!". Jim said that the best part of watching the show is seeing my reactions. I frequently shout out, "Another hour of my life I'll never get back!", after watching it, but a week later, I'm glued to the screen again. I've invested too much time in this story to not "finish the book". It's like a relationship that I know is bad, but I stay because I've been in it so long. I don't want to admit that it's been a complete waste of time. I need to know what's going to happen. I need answers to these questions. I need secrets to be revealed. I need someone to tell me I'm not the only one who is hopelessly "Lost".


Burgh Baby said...

I can't watch Lost unless I'm online hooked up with other people so they can try to explain to me what is going on. Seriously.

Roger Miller said...

Imagine the withdrawels that you will go through when the season ends in, I think, three weeks. Oh and don't forget that a major character gets killed, or will have to keep their shirt on, I can't remember which.

I started watching it because I knew it was a science fiction story, although I didn't know about the whole time travel thing - I'm with you on the writer's not knowing either.

I also get sucked in every week, and my family now hates Wednesday's at 8, when LOST is on. I may get a tad intense.

Anyway, only 20 shows left until it is all over and we find out that it was all just a bad dream for John Locke, BEFORE he gets on the airplane in Australia.

JCK said...

I LOVE this season! Too funny. I think it is the best yet. Because, they are finally explaining so many things. Yes, you do have to keep track of an awful lot. I watched the episode last night, which was helpful because I often find myself saying...I don't remember that!

I adore time travel stories, and the idea of people being stranded on an island. So, I was sucked in from the beginning. LOL

JCK said...

P.S. I also love how they flipped the characters of Sawyer & Jack. Now Sawyer is the one whom everyone depends on. The one looking out for everyone. And, Jack is the unpredictable one. And it still works! They are brilliant.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I watched it once. That was enough for me. I was finished. Too confusing. I already tried that with Alias, Heroes, and years ago Twin Peaks. OK. I didn't actually watch Twin Peaks, but I heard about it. And I wasn't interested in that either. :-) But, really Lost does intrigue me...if only I could figure out what the heck they are talking about!

The Girls' Mommy said...

That is SO me! I HATE the freakin show and yet I watch EVERY week. Mad at myself for it.