Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Baseball Game

My husband and I recently attended a Pirates game. Let me start by saying I am not a big Pirates fan, (this will become very apparent as you read further). I like to go to a game once a year when they have fireworks at the end of the game. Right now the baseball fans are shocked and appalled that I would go to a game just to see fireworks, but it is true. I love fireworks! There is just something about those exploding bursts of color that makes me feel more alive. My favorite holiday is the Fourth of July for this reason. Also, it is in the summer, involves a picnic, and doesn't involve the stress of gift giving.

If it were me, I would probably go to the game around the fourth inning (I actually had to think about what it was called.. Period? No. Quarter? No. Set? No. ). My wonderful husband insists that we see the very first pitch! He is not a big fan, but he actually does enjoy watching the game. One year when we went to a game, I actually saw a woman in front of us reading a magazine! She barely looked up when we scored a point. That is really bad. I, at least, pretend to give a crap what is going on, in between eating the wonderful food that you MUST consume at the game to get the full experience, and talking my husbands ear off about everything but baseball! I have to tell you that I saw a woman reading a book this year! COME ON! I hope I don't become one of these women who can't even fake interest in the game for their husband's sake. Of course, maybe their husbands aren't nice enough to allow their ears to be talked off like mine is!

Each year I tend to complain about what they decide to do after the game. One year they had some hokey song and dance show going on in between the fireworks that ruined it. Another year, I think it was a history lesson (that's what it seemed like to me). My husband just laughs good naturedly, as I "rant and rave" about how they always ruin the fireworks for me! (It's all about me, you know). This year was no exception. This time they had concerts - my husband chose the night Styx played. So, Styx would play a song or two, then a few minutes of fireworks, then another song or two, another few minutes of fireworks. AARRGGHH! How frustrating! (Sorry, Styx fans).

I found myself people watching during the songs and I was amazed at what I saw. There was a teenage guy, with a girl on his left, a girl on his right, and several girls behind him. He was bent over very involved in a conversation with the girl on his right. The girl to his left was doing just about everything possible to get his attention. She was flicking her long, beautiful hair around so much I thought she would get whiplash. She was laughing at every stupid thing he said that wasn't even directed at her from what I could tell. At one point she grabbed his hand, and he shoved her hand away! She finally got sick of it, (or so I thought), and turned her back to him and folded her arms. Then, he put his arm around her AND THE OTHER GIRL! She leaned over and nuzzled into him, which he shrugged off. Over and over I watched this girl humiliate herself! This girl was beautiful. She shouldn't have any problems getting a guy to be interested in her. Sadly enough, I have seen this many times before.

It is upsetting that girls have such low self esteem. Society has to be doing something wrong. The media is always talking about weight and beauty, and magazines are the worst. Every article is telling some way you can "improve" yourself. Be prettier. Be better at attracting a man. Be more stylish. Be better in bed. Just be "BETTER". What crap! Moms with daughters please tell them every day they are perfect just the way they are. They are beautiful, smart, fun, amazing people, and they do not NEED a man to be complete. Tell them any guy would be lucky to be with them, and tell them to make sure any guy they are with treats them the way they deserve to be treated. Like a queen. If I ever have a daughter, I promise you that is what I will do. I will tell them what kind of guy to look for. One who lets you babble on endlessly while he is trying to watch a baseball game, for example.

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