Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Book Obsession Stage-Part 2

Well, the Book Obsession Stage is still in full swing. However, now he has decided instead of just reading the same few books over and over, that I will read him EVERY single book that is in the book basket in one sitting. I must say, that is a long attention span my kid has. They say be careful what you wish for. (I wished I would have a kid who loved books and loved for me to read him books). I wish "they" would shut up already.

I left a book in the basket unread, because he hates that book, and never requests it. He looked in the basket, saw that there was one left, and pointed, pointed, pointed, until I read that one, and finished my task satisfactorily. So, he has a long attention span, a love of words and pictures, and he is extremely thorough. I'm not sure what those attributes add up to, but I fear it might equal a brainiac that loves to make his mommy feel dumb.

I haven't had a full night's sleep since Saturday, January 12th. Not because Dylan is keeping me up, as you might have originally thought. We are the sleep nazi's over here, and he is a great sleeper. I have also always been a "great sleeper". I once slept through a rock band practicing late at night when we stayed at a hotel. In the morning, I wondered what all the fuss was about. Why was everyone mad? Now, I am still falling asleep quickly, but I am waking up several times through the night, and then having trouble going back to sleep. What the heck is going on?

I am 99.9 percent sure I'm not pregnant, so my mind went to the next craziest explanation. I must be starting early menopause at the age of 35. I better prepare myself, and everyone around me, for the hot flashes and moodiness. Seriously, anyone have a clue? I tried counting sheep, but they just kept turning to laugh at me, "BaaaHaHaHa!!"

Reading children's books that you have already read about a thousand times is TIRING. My patience level is low, and getting lower with each night without sleep. So, each time Dylan toddles over with another book, plops himself down in my lap, then jumps up, then down again, as if to reboot me, this is what I do....First, I sigh my exasperated mommy sigh, then I envision a time in the future when a good day for me would involve my teenage son actually leaving his room, that I haven't set foot in in years, and grunting in monosyllabic tones at me, just long enough to grab some food, before disappearing once again.

He has gone through plenty of phases already. There was the Lookie Here, I Have Two Holes In My Nose That My Fingers Fit In phase, The Fuzz Is A Major Food Group phase, and the Yank My Penis So Hard Every Man In The Room Will Scream and Shudder phase. So I just tell myself, as my mom always told me, and my grandfather told her, "This too shall pass". Since becoming a mom, I've added something to it, though. Now, it goes, "This too shall pass, and you will miss it".


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, you have totally hit the nail on the head! Yes, it will pass. And YES, you will miss it! Been there, done that.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

My little one (14 months) has no interest in reading a book....makes him sit still too long. he looks at a page and then promptly closes the book as if to say "all done." I'm sure, however, he will hit this stage at some point — after he has pulled all the books off the book shelf and strewn them across the floor where he is sure they look much better.

Pam said...

Oh- the yank your penis so hard everyone will scream phase- we are aware of that one! I keep telling the little guy to take it easy- he might want to be able to use it one day (what? That is wrong to say? oops!)

Since I am a sleepy and tired mommy- I feel your pain. I suck on little sleep. I have no patience or tolerance when I am not rested...I'm not a pleasant person during this time. So I feel your pain. I am a much better, different person when I am rested. I hope you get some sleep soon!

Burgh Baby said...

Welcome to the land of the sleepless. It's fun here, really. Just when you regain the ability to sleep through the night, that's when Dylan is going to show you who's the real Sleep Nazi.

I have been known to hide the books that I don't like reading, so really, you're still doing better than me in that department.

JCK said...

Nothing like not getting enough sleep. It is used as a torture tactic. These little bouts of insomnia tend to come and go with me. It is frustrating. Hopefully it will pass soon for you.

Sparx said...

Ah, Charlie isn't interested in books much, I'm very jealous. He's gone through most of the other phases those... yank your penis, stick your fingers in your nose, eat the fuzz, ah yes and we're still in all of them to some extent. At the moment we're really into a 'take it apart' phase which applies to everything we own - sympathy!