Monday, April 19, 2010

If A Tree Falls Onto The Road...

Friday morning, before heading to the playground for a playdate, I took this picture of the tree in our backyard...

I love that tree.  I love the gorgeous pink flowers.  I love the shape of the tree.  I sit at my kitchen table at least 3 times a day and look at at that tree, admiring it.

We have another gorgeous tree in our front yard, with darker pink blooms.  I should have taken a picture of that tree Friday morning, because late afternoon Friday, the tree looked like this...
Just as I was about to wake Dylan from his nap, a storm blew in.  The rain was coming down hard and sideways, and the wind was intense.  I woke Dylan up and told him "Come look at how hard it is raining!"  No kidding - just as we got to the window, I watched that tree fall onto the road.

(Oh, I wish I had a picture of me in the middle of the storm, running through our neighbor's yard with the recycle bin, collecting the plastic which was dispersed all over the place.  Sopping wet and squealing like a drowned cat)

As soon as the storm ended, we put on Dylan's rainboots, which he had hardly worn up to that point, and went out to investigate.  Then, we walked down the road, in search of the renegade garbage can lid, which had been blown 2 houses over.  . 

Jim got home at that point.  When I called earlier and told him our tree had blown down and was blocking half the road, he had underestimated the size of said tree.  He reacted somewhat calmly at first, but as the evening progressed, went into full on OVERREACTIVE mode.  I believe at one point I asked "Is it possible for you to stop saying the word #!*K?"  (He was worried someone would wreck into the tree and we would be responsible).  We couldn't figure out who to call.  Were we responsible for removing the tree?  If not, who was?  We called many numbers and everyone was out of the office by then.
(The expressions sums it up. One - happy and excited. The other disgusted, and slightly depressed).

It wasn't until the next morning, that we stumbled onto the right number.  We were lucky.  If it had blown INTO our yard, it would have been our responsibility.  Since it blew into the road, three guys came out in no time and brought a really fun machine to take care of it.  As they would put each piece of the tree into the chipper, I would assume a really deep, crazy voice, saying "Oh, I love to eat trees!  Gimme that tree!  Ummm, Ummm, Ummm (munching noises)".  Dylan would dissolve in fits of laughter each time.  The whole thing was very exciting... for him.  He said it was his "best thing" of the day!  Really, he was the only one handling the whole thing with ease, saying "It's okay!  We have another tree in the back yard!"


Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Oh no! Poor tree! Poor Jim. He does look truly disgusted...reminds me of my husband when our car was smashed while parked out front a couple years ago. Our men... *sigh* :-) But I'm glad you have another tree. We just had trees planted in our yard last year. They are small and puny, but it does make me think...would it be our responsibility if one of them takes a tumble in the future? Hmmmmm....I hope the big machine comes! I'd love making voices for it! :-)

feather said...

why do storms always take the lovely trees? there are a few on my block that i'd love a storm to take out!!

The Girls' Mommy said...

First, I am so sorry about your tree! Second, holy CRAP your neighborhood is pretty!

Brooke said...

Ughh - what a bummer!!!! It was such a beauty too ;( We lost a tree in our back yard a few years back and it was heartbreaking - it changes everything - the view, the look and the feel of the yard and the SHADE - we really miss the shade in the summer. At least you didn't have to do the work to remove it! I try to find the silver lining and all.

Burgh Baby said...

It's insane how many trees have been destroyed by the weather this year. Between the snow and the wind, it's been crazy.

If we had any big trees and they came down, I would be SO ALL OVER going out and buying a chainsaw. Weeee!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

That is a beautiful tree.

If you were our next door neighbor my husband would have had that thing cut up and stacked in no time. He's got the tools for every job and he's more than happy to use them!