Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Third Crazy

A while back, I took a test online.  The test was supposed to see if I had the qualities necessary to be a good real estate agent.  I love looking at houses, and I've thought about it as a possible career change.  According to the test, I would be a great agent.  A long time best selling agent called to talk to me more about it over the phone.

As she was explaining all the necessary steps involved, I was taking notes.  I ran out of room on the first sheet of paper, and only wrote one last thing on the second sheet.  Somehow the two sheets of paper became separated later.

One evening, Jim said "I have to ask you something...  Are you thinking about leaving me?"
"WHAT?!?", I exclaimed.  "Why would you even say that?"
"Well, I found this piece of paper with your handwriting, that says "One third thinking about leaving".
Being the sensitive person I am, I bust out laughing.
"Jim!  I wrote that when I talked to that real estate lady.  She said that one third of the real estate agents are thinking about leaving the business!  Did you really think I wrote that about you?!"
"Well, not really, but I had to ask".
"Would I really write it down if I were thinking about leaving?", I asked.
"Yes!", he laughed.  "You would write a list of the pros and cons of leaving.  Then you would write a plan for exactly how to leave!"

He is so right!  I would probably also buy a few books about it, and research it online.  Now, how could I leave someone who knows me so well?

Jim, I love you, and I'm not going anywhere unless you come too.  Speaking of which, we really should take a vacation soon.  I'll start researching and making some lists.


blue china studio happy said...

Oh Jen! What a cute story, perfectly told. Your poor husband.

And I too would have written lists, researched it and also bought books on line. Ha!

Burgh Baby said...

He's so right. There WOULD be a list, and probably a list outlining the list, and another list of things you needed to consider before completing the list. ;-)

Brooke said...

Oh dear -that is hysterical!!!! That story made my day :D You two are so darn cute - I love the photo.... vacation suits you... get to planning!

feather said...

oh that is so funny!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

That is a great story.

And I operate exactly as you do.

Anonymous said...

You would make a TERRIFIC realtor! And poor Jim! I cannot even imagine what must have been running through his mind prior to asking you about the piece of paper. And I too am a list maker - in a major (and somewhat sad) way!

Amber said...

Ah, I love it. Made me giggle. I love lists too, but I never use them. I just write them. Pointless, I know!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I love this! soooo funny! After reading this blog for so long, I know he's right...a list of pros and cons would be a must for you. :-) What a cute story! And you two are so cute together and if I write "cute" one more time I may vomit! :-)

Elissa said...

i love this post.

meh. he shouldn't have been TOO worried. I mean, you were only ONE THIRD thinking of it. The odds were in his favor! ;-)